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This is The Day

Not every day seems to be a good day. For sure, not every day FEELS good. But they are all days.

Some days are hard and some are easy. Some days can be outright miserable and some can be so fun and exciting and almost magical that we feel like we just might burst.

But, they are all days just the same.

For each of these, no matter what we see or hear or experience (good or bad) the same thing can be said for each day:

“This is the day which the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24 - NASB)

God made each day. God chooses to let each of us experience each day and He loves us and He has intentions for us and all those intentions are, ultimately, good.

We get to make a choice each day too. We decide if we will choose to despise the day and curse it…or “rejoice and be glad in it”. We choose.

If we curse the day, we focus on whatever it is we despise. Because what we despise is sent to us by the devil and is meant to control is…we will worship the enemy with our focus as we despise and curse the day. We will give him control of our souls. We will choose to do that.

Or, we can choose to worship the Lord Who brings the day to us and us to the day.

“I will extol You, my God, O King, and I will bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever.” (Psalm 145:1-2)

We can set our focus on Him. We can choose to do that.

When we choose to honor God with our praise, we will begin to see the little gifts God has sown into each day, even the ones we might consider to be “bad days”.

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23 - ESV)

Every single day the Lord chooses to release to us “His mercies”. These are “new” or freshly released ever single morning – even on the hard days. If we look for them we will see them. They won’t appear because we look for them. They ARE there; we will see them because we look…because we have a desire to see what is there.

When we see God’s daily ration of His mercies for us we will realize that He truly IS enough and we will respond by proclaiming it to be so:

“‘The LORD is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’” (Lamentations 3:24 - ESV)

May our souls proclaim, and our mouths too, that what God brings to us to equip us for each day is more than enough.

When shall we begin?

This is the day.

Pastor Mike McInerney

Mike McInerney Ministries, Inc.

Decatur, TX

© September 9, 2020


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