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The Satisfaction of Hearing and Receiving Sound Teaching

“Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.” (Proverb 4:10-12)

Whenever God speaks, whether it be a fresh word through the Holy Spirit or through something written long ago in His Word (also by the Holy Spirit), we have only two options. We can obey what He says or disobey it. We can do what He says to do…or do something else.

This Proverb tells us that if we “hear” (listen intently and intelligently) and “receive” (internalize) the things He says, we will live a long time. His words have REAL life built into them.

For the Teacher, there is real satisfaction in knowing He has done a good job of teaching and modeling how to be. That’s why verse 11 says this:

“I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths.” (Proverb 4:11)

There is, though, a much deeper satisfaction than knowing one has done a good job in teaching and leading another to do well. It comes from watching what was taught and what was modelled be demonstrated in the life of the one discipled.

“When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.” (Proverb 4:12)

A part of committing to teach and lead well is a personal thing for the teacher. By this I mean he or she does so because this is what they are about. This is, simply, what they do and to do so well means they do it with no strings attached.

There is a real “catch and release” quality to teaching and discipling this way. You hope to see good results but that is not your motive. You do it, simply, because God built you and equips you and supplies you to do it. So, you do it well…in gratitude to Him.

“Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.” (Proverb 4:10-12)

Still, there is a DEEP satisfaction seeing we have been heard and received because the way of wisdom we have taught and the leading down right paths has become a part of the life of the one taught. It is VERY satisfying to watch people walk unhindered (without distress) and run without stumbling (not weak and staggering).

You know, whenever we enter a teaching relationship…a pastoral or discipleship relationship…we WILL have an effect on one another. This is just built into how relationships work.

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” (Hebrews 13:17 – NASB)

I would rather the effect we have in the lives of one another be joy and not grief or sorrow.

As I pondered this verse today I realized that when we received Jesus as our Lord we entered this very relationship with Him.

“Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.” (Proverb 4:10-12)

I know He is satisfied with His own efforts in our lives since He is perfect. He has done, is doing and forever will be doing well.

This is written so we might consider if we have heard Him and have received Him…so our steps will not be hindered, and when so when we run, we will not stumble. May we enjoy the way of wisdom and treading the path of righteousness.

May we obey Him and bring Him GREAT satisfaction in us.

“…the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly; He guards the paths of justice, and preserves the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path.” (Proverb 2:6-9)


Pastor Mike McInerney

Mike McInerney Ministries, Inc.

© October 4, 2021

(for use with permission)


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